
31 July 2004

Is there any way that my mom and my brother could spend the weekend at the apartment when they come down with me?? It would only be like three days.


28 July 2004

Ok guys  

We need to figure out what's going on. When is everyone going back? Everyone knows now that we can more in on the 2nd now instead of the 20th. I called Wes and told him. He said something about me setting up the utilities. But I don't have the numbers to the places any more. I can, but I need the numbers. And does anyone know how long it takes them to set up the stuff?

I think my plans are as follows:

I am going to probably make two trips.
I'll leave for trip #1 on the 6th. I have to be back though by the 9th for band.
I have stuff I have to do around here until the 14th so I'll probably leave for trip #2 around 5 pm on the 14th after Angela's wedding. (like I had originally planned) I have band camp starting on the 17th, so I'll have a few days to unpack all my crap. Anyway, I want to make sure that there is utilities by the 6th.  ok so what are everyone elses plans?  


27 July 2004

mmmbop ba du ba dop ba du bop 

in an mmmbop they're gone.


25 July 2004

wow Nikki. wow. I should really read your site more often, because apparently you've been posting something I'd love to argue about.

soooo.... hows things? looks like james will never join, basically.


10 July 2004


Good job getting your license! YAY! Now YOU get to haul us everywhere :)

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