
27 June 2004

Dead Blog... 

Allright guys, I know your out there....

Hopefully everyone's summer is going good. You remember we were supposed to post our stupid quotes on here throughout the summer...Well no one is posting!

I haven't really said anything that outrageously stupid in the last few months until the other day while Lora and I were buying things for Angela's bachelorette party. This is what I said...

"I won't be happy until there is a giant wiener floating in the pool." and also...
"I can't believe I'm carrying a giant wiener around the mall, two of them at that!"

Lora and I were looking around Spencers in the mall and decided to buy a wiener pinata and a wiener floatie for the pool. It was rather funny. Ok now it's time for you guys to post!

09 June 2004

Ok...so Philly is way boring. Here are some more quiz things for your entertainment.

You are NEMO!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

You are going to marry viggo mortensen.He is very
friendly and funny and has a lot of respect for
you and your friends. He is also very good with
kids and would be an ideal father. Congrats!!

Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (14 choices now!!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Figures I would get someone from a crappy movie.


06 June 2004

Ok...so my friend, Turea and I were really bored...Here's one of the quizes we took.

Your prince is Eric from The Little Mermaid. He's
quite handsome with a great sense of humor and
adventure. He seems to be perfect in every
single way..you marry this boy.

Which Disney prince are you meant to be with?
brought to you by Quizilla

Save A Horse...Ride A Cowboy.

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Mail for Erik send Nikki some mail!
  • Bow down before the mighty google search!
  • Add some color to YOUR website- colormatch5k!
  • "Welcome to MY Life!"
  • "My life is a dirty lie!" and other mistruths
  • Ben's Xanga
  • A Thousand Words or More...
  • Mature Audiences Only
  • Amanda/Renea's Rant page!
  • Wot's Doing?
  • The Best Damn Web Page in the Universe!