
24 May 2004

WOOO HOOOO LOOK AT THIS!!! Posted by Hello

17 May 2004

okie dokie guys,

I'm sorta "cleaning house" and I found my playstation. Do we want it for the apartment? Its just a regular one, I have a few games that we bought, I don't really like the thing. As you know those games stress me out more than its worth. Anyway let me know.

~Nik :)

16 May 2004

No. he left without saying good bye or calling- should we call him, or wait for him to call one of us? does it matter? he'll find his own way...
Has anyone talked to Wes?

15 May 2004

Grades were posted this morning. I didn’t get nearly as high of a grade as I would have liked. I’m not exactly sure what that means for me yet; I have to call the school on Monday to find out. I think I’m going to be paying for the fact that I screwed up this year for a long time.

13 May 2004

I can only find five forks in my entire house, just five. OYE!!! Oh the joys of being home.

Anyway, we definitely need a stero for the living room...its totally up to you if you bring it or not, but it might be nice.

We should play cards online some night.
Hey, I was just wondering if you guys wanted me to bring my stereo for our living room in the apartment. I know it's a few months before the whole thing, but I'm thinking of maybe having a garage sale. It's a 4 speaker surround sound thing, plays 5 discs, radio, tapes, whatever. It works pretty well, you kinda have to give the CD door a push but it works. :) I plan on bringing my stereo I had in the dorm for my room, but I didn't know if you guys wanted a stereo for the living room.

12 May 2004

I miss you guys, too.... I suppose Wes isn't going to be posting at all, this summer?

11 May 2004

I miss everyone too!
I miss you guys!!!

04 May 2004

A quote from the women cleaning up the trash on the Cross lawn this morning: “I just picked up a beer bottle, some duct tape, and a latex glove…(dramatic pause) that can’t be a good combination.”

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